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Dealing with Page and Google's Author Rank

connecting page rank and author rank
Dealing with the Connections involved with Page Rank and Author Rank
panda powered google page rank
Panda Powered Google Page Rank


Today we are going to talk about Page Rank.


Panda and Google Authorship seems to have leveled the playing field when it comes to focused original content battling it out with campaigns hell bent on unloading pure volume with no substance. What was before a solid case to post the same old thing...rehashed and might just be obsolete. I am truly hopeful that things are going to get better, only time will tell.





    First up is a great presentation I ran into on how Page Rank authority can be helped by Google's Authorship. The video is 20 minutes long and has a wealth of information for those who are just starting out and are a little confused about how google ranks pages.



 Page Rank: Google+ Profiling Author Rank  




An in-depth montage of information on how to use Google+ effectively.



Google Authorship : Time 11:58 Bryan Cornell

diversity is important for website growth
Diversify your content or die?



    Next we turn to the effects of Panda's little footprint. Is this really going to change things in regards to content? , believes that websites will now be forced to diversify content to remain on top of the search engines radar. If what he says holds true, many webpages will need to be restructured to conform to Panda's new way of doing things. Interesting times indeed....

Keep your content list in order.




   Rounding out this post,  I present to you a little gem that fell into my inbox yesterday. It's a great read and you might find yourself actually laughing out loud. The topic again revolves around Panda's effect on Page Rank.

The piece is written by Demian Farnworth and here is an excerpt of his article :





The definitive 20-point guide when it comes to building high-quality content on your website :

  1. Care — deeply — about the quality of your writing, and about your audience.
  2. Go deep with original research.
  3. Share a never-before-seen interview.
  4. Avoid redundant, duplicated, or stolen content.
  5. Build so much trust with your audience that people would be happy to hand over their credit card.
  6. Build your authority — and your site’s authority.
  7. Spell correctly.
  8. Fix factual errors.
  9. Repair bad grammar.
  10. Write for humans — not machines.
  11. Create something nobody has ever seen before.
  12. Remain balanced and worthy of your audience’s trust.
  13. Cover a topic comprehensively (don’t aim for an arbitrary word count and stop once you reach it).
  14. Avoid the obvious. If thirty people have already reported on the Facebook Graph Search, then find something else to write about (unless you have information nobody else does).
  15. Create something strangers want to share and bookmark.
  16. Don’t overuse promotions, calls-to-action, and ads.
  17. Write something a good magazine or journal would print.
  18. Steer clear of short and useless.
  19. Spend an insane amount of time on detail.
  20. Create something people want to talk about (preferably positively).


Google’s PageRank Algorithm Screwed the Online Writer




Google's guidance on building high quality websites

    In conclusion, I hope what I dug up helps in clearing the air with regards to Page Rank and Google+ Authorship. Developing a website requires strong original content that will give your Author tag legitimacy and the respect it deserves. We could touch on Schema markup but I will leave that for another day....

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Dealing with Page Rank and Google's Authorship| Edu : SEO

Publisher : Shaw Website Design Group | Genre : Marketing | Location : Calgary


Developing a website requires strong original content that will give your Author tag legitimacy and help improve pagerank.

Tags : page rank,seo,pr,authorship rank, author rank,search engine pr, serp,google,bing,google authorship, shaw website design

Written by | Date : 2013-12-18 | id : pagerankauthor

Citations : Mark Traphagen, Eric Enge, Demian Farnworth, Google Webmaster Central Blog, Bryan Cornell

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